Huwebes, Mayo 26, 2011

Akron Auto Insurance 'One Bite At A TIme"

Looking for Akron auto insurance does not need to be a difficult task. With the introduction and mass marketing available on the Internet, getting a quote is the easy part. There is an old saying, "eat the elephant one bite at a time". This can be applied to finding Akron auto insurance as well.

A great place to start is understanding your states minimum requirements. In Ohio, there are established minimums for property damage, liability, and bodily injury liability. Your local, reputable agent can help you understand these minimums.

There are additional lines of coverage to become familiar with and to consider adding to your policy, such as uninsured motorist or collision. Once you have decided the minimum coverage you require, you are ready to being determining which Akron auto insurance policy is the best fit for you and your budget.

Keeping costs down, especially in todays economy is a hot button on many peoples lists. There are ways to keep your insurance rates lower as well. What type of car do you drive? Although when purchasing a new or used vehicle we do not usually take the time to consider theft, this is one of the factors companies use to determine threat of loss from theft. A quick search for "cars most stolen in Ohio" will show you if your car is on the stolen car hot list. These cars carry higher insurance rates simply because they are at higher risk of being stolen.

Newer cars come with features that not only help prevent them from being stolen, but these same features can allow some providers the ability to lower your rates as well. Anti-theft devices (coming in the form of steering wheels that lock or alarms) can put your auto into a lower risk category. Lower risk equals lower rates.

One of the best ways to keep your auto insurance premiums low is to drive safely. The higher your driving safetly rating, the better your premiums will be. There are no corners here. The surest way to sabotage your insurance rates is to be a habitually 'fast and furious'driver.

So back to eating the elephant one bite at a time, making an informed decision is a step by step process. Take these things into account: where you live, your minimum required coverage, the car you drive, its position on the stolen cars list, your built in anti-theft devises, and your driving safety record and you will be well on your way to controlling your Akron auto insurance rates. Remembering that knowledge is in fact power, once you are armed with this information you will be in the best position to match your policy with your car and your budget.

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